So, yeah we talk about Stranger Things, and there are some spoilers, but you can skip all that when we switch over to talking about Clerk 3and about Kevin Smith movies. Give it a listen.
Read MoreI don't know, I think we talked about Umbrellas and some dude named Drew or something, you'll have to listen to find out more.
Read MoreHello There. Have you been waiting for us to finally talk about Doctor Strange? Well too damn bad, we're talking about Star Wars instead. There's some other stuff, but mostly a lot of Star Wars. Get your droid to play it for you and give it a listen.
Read MoreSo we always talk about sandwiches, but we don't talk about about what to go with it. That's right! It's time for a spinoff of the Sandwich Arc! This week we're talking about Soda and snacks! It might not be sandwiches, but it'll do nicely. Crack open a cold soda and give it a listen.
Read MoreWell the only way to explain this one is Nonstop Nonsense and ti's some of our best nonsense yet. You're not gonna want to skip this one.
Read MoreWell Stranger Things 4 finally came out, so of course we're talking about it, if you haven't seen the new season yet, no worries, no spoilers this week. Frank also has a tale from his time in the city and seeing the Mrs. Doubtfire Musical. Oh yeah, and how can I forget, we also talk about Obi-Wan Kenobi. Check it out.
Read MoreWell if you saw the trailer, you knew exactly what we were gonna be talking about this week, cause that trailer was awesome, we obviously talking about Thor: Love and Thunder, then a bunch of other shit, give it a listen.
Read MoreBefore you ask, yes there is talks about Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness, and there are NO spoilers, so you're fine. We also talk about Avatar 2, and That 90's show. Give it a listen.
Read MoreIt's time to talk about the newest and hippest music to hit the scene, like Weird Al Yankovic, Chumbawumba, and of course the newest musician hit the top of the charts, Engelbert Humperdinck. Okay sarcasm aside, this podcast starts off ridiculous and stays that way till the end, give it a listen.
Read MoreGetting back into the bread and butter of this podcast, we're talking about Super Heroes. We start of with Batman and the DC nonsense surrounding any future projects, then move over to happier tones and talk about Thor: Love and Thunder. Then of course, back to video games after that. Give it a listen.
Read MoreI'll be honest with you, this podcast almost didn't see the light of day because of Minor Technical Difficulties, but after constantly bashing our heads against the wall, we made it work. We talked about The Matrix, Everything Everywhere All at Once, and you know, some other things. Give it a listen to make this headache worth it.
Read MoreThis week's podcast enjoys jumping back and fourth between crazy and normal throughout the whole thing. But this week's highlight is Smitty's fantastically awful explanation of What If? that you have to hear to actually believe.
Read MoreThis week we're very specifically not talking about that thing with those famous people, instead we're talking about Time Travel Stories, Halo, and the return of Van Life! When Van Life makes a comeback, you just know things are gonna be nuts on the podcast.
Read MoreWell this week's podcast starts normal enough, video games and talking about Spider-man.... but it all changed when the streaming services attacked. We go on an all out barrage on the bullshit that is current day streaming services, ripping a new hole directly into the heart of their poor practices. We're done taking their shit.
Read MoreThis week we had a lot ground to cover, so we talked about a whole hell of a lot, from the differences in Generations and how being called a "Millennial" is some Boomer Bullshit, to a ton of new shows coming out, and everything in between. Give it a listen.
Read MoreGriddle Me This Batman! What is always here, but never on time. That's right, this podcast! We're talking about movies, specifically The Batman, as well as Sea of Thieves and Pokemon. Give it a listen.
Read MoreWith everything happening in the world right now, we're talking about Pancakes, that's right Pancakes! I mean, there's other stuff too, but mostly the pancakes. That's right, it another ridiculous podcast this week. (Editor's Note: I literally fucking cackled re-listening to this one while editing, so god damn funny)
Read MoreYou know, many times I've stated that we've had some ridiculous podcasts in the past... but this one.... Jesus Christ. The only hint that I can possibly give to explain this podcast is "Super Hero Sex Organs." You're just gonna have to listen to understand.
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