Posts tagged Amazing Spider-man
Podcast #427: Spider-man: Ugly Crying At Home

Well this week's podcast starts normal enough, video games and talking about Spider-man.... but it all changed when the streaming services attacked. We go on an all out barrage on the bullshit that is current day streaming services, ripping a new hole directly into the heart of their poor practices. We're done taking their shit.

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Podcast #399: It's NOT The El Toro

This week we're back on track after the failings of last week's podcast, which yeah, we talk about why and how that nonsense happened. We of course talk about Marvel, What If? and Spider-man of course, then we talk about the new Saints Row Reboot. Also talk about the annoyance of how people "The" in front of things that don't need the word The. Give it a "watch."

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