Posts tagged Fucking God Damn Bennys
Podcast #338: Mount Rushmore of Sandwiches
Kyle PoloStudio 232, Podcast, Frank, Polo, Smitty, John, 338, mount rushmore of sandwiches, Sandwiches, why the hell are we talking about sandwiches again?, Sandwich Saga, MCU, Black Widow, Hoagie, Covid-19, Jersey Shore, The Beach, Tourists, Bennys, Fucking God Damn Bennys, Pork Roll, Turkey, Thanksgiving, Staten Island, King of Staten Island, Batman, Micheal Keaton, DC, DCCU, DC shows, CW verse, Arrow, Arrowverse, Crisis on Infinite Earths, Flash, Green Lantern, Mixer
Podcast #282: That's a Prablem
Kyle PoloStudio 232, Frank, Polo, Smitty, 282, That's a Prablem, Wawa, Prodical Convience Store, Fallout 76, Camps, In game econemy, Shops, Fallout Society, sheepsquatch, Scorch Beast, Photos, Smitty's Big Contribution, Tourist Spot Ajacent, Fucking God Damn Bennys, Walmart, Did Smitty Shit his pants?, This is Memorial Day, Shit Covered Pants, Greek Limit, Greek Festival