Posts tagged Enter the Matrix
Podcast #413: Sparky?!?

It's 2004, you've just got home from school, ate some Milk and Cookies and watched The Matrix Revolutions for the 100th time, and then it's time to go play some Halo 2 until it's time to pass out and do it all again tomorrow. This podcast is that conversation with your friends in game about the future of the Matrix and Halo, and what you dreamed it would be like in the future.... Well, I mean, mostly. Not gonna lie, we weren't thinking about a global pandemic then.

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Podcast #400: Stock Photo Avenger

Well, we did it! 400 fucking podcasts! As Frank has been saying for probably about 300 podcasts or so, "That's far too many." Since it's podcasts 400, we see the return of John Bitches, so of course he derails us in the ways only he can. Of course we try to course correct to Marvel and the Matrix, cause what else do you expect from us? Anyways, check out our 400th podcast!

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