The Third 232 Day

Can't believe it's already been a year since the last time I wrote one of these blog posts. Though I did notice the past few are all about 232 Day, and… well here we are again.


The third 232 Day is here, and we've got some fun stuff coming for you guys today. Polo is constantly telling me we have new people around, so for those of you just joining us 232 Day is designed as a day where we can showcase some upcoming things, make some announcements about where we're headed, launch new creative endeavors. That kind of a thing.  


We're going to start releasing Let's Plays again the next few weeks starting with today's video of the Destiny 2 beta. The Destiny beta was one of the first Let's Plays Polo and I put out so we figured what a great way to bring it back.


If it hasn't been spoiled for you by now, there's a new episode of Professor Polo coming out today too. I'm really excited for you guys to see this one. I really can't believe last time we put one out was a year ago, I thought it was much sooner… We'll have the next one out before next 232 Day, I promise.


The final bit of news is we're launching a new podcast, helmed by our very own Polo. This one isn't going to be a weekly thing like the Studio 232 Podcast, however. The Unsupervised Podcast Forever is Polo and Smitty talking about all the crazy things they discuss when I'm not in the room so it'll be something alright…


On to Unlimited. For those of you who are new around here, on the first 232 Day we announced Unlimited and released a trailer. You can scroll down the page a bit to check it out. I won't lie… it's a lot more labor intensive than we originally thought. We are still working on it, we haven't abandoned it, but it is difficult. We're trying to get it to you as soon as we can, but we also want it to be the best it can be. Going forward a lot of these problems will be solved because we're working on them now, but it's just very time consuming. We are absolutely committed though, you'll see Unlimited when the time is right.


That's about it for this year, but as always if you're liking something let us know so we can do more of it. We're in the business of entertainment, if you're not enjoying what we do we'll shift gears to figure out what works. If not, it'll be the same old stuff and we can't grow as a company or as entertainers.


As always, thanks for your support. We'll see you back here for another podcast on Wednesday.

End of line.
