What's up Internet!

Welcome to Studio232.net, your best place to find all the content that Studio 232 releases every week. We've got some really awesome things in the works to entertain you wonderful internet people and this new website is the start of it all. 

We're going to keep the same release schedule or podcasts on Wednesdays and Arcade Adventures (our fancy name for Let's Plays), on Fridays. Extended Adventures (longer Let's Plays) will resume on Mondays sometime in the near future so that we can finally see the thrilling conclusion of Agent Francis York Peppermint Patty Morgan's adventure. 

We'll continue updating the Facebook page and Twitter with any news, but the podcast will no longer be uploaded to Sound Cloud. So feel free to comment on any posts and share anything as it's easier to do than ever. Enjoy our new home on the internet and get ready for good things to come.


End of line.

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